Stand out in Exporter lists

Check below how Exterbras.Deals works

The Website opens in the language’s browser of those who use it in Spanish, Portuguese and English; however, when opened in browsers in any other language, the website will automatically be viewed in English. Optionally, during its use, the language can be changed to Spanish, Portuguese or English.

Companies can register as exporters, importers or both, informing their complete data and the products they export and/or import, being able to add files with specifications and photos of their products.

Exporting companies are registered by country and can be located by the flags of their countries, being able to be consulted freely and check their complete registration.

Registered exporting companies “can purchase highlights’’ that allows them to be on top of the list of exporters, in pink color, in alphabetical order, able to post offers and receive demands from importing companies; negotiating freely between them. Exporting companies that “have not contracted highlight’’ aren't able to place and post offers nor receive demands from importing companies.

Exporting companies that “have purchased highlights’’ can send offers that will be automatically addressed, by e-mail, to all registered importing companies that purchase the offered product, and may freely negotiate between both.

Importing companies are able to send demands for the products they import, which will be automatically sent, by email, to exporting companies.

Exporting companies are able to ‘‘search for importers’’, addressing them freely to offer their products.